Friday, February 27, 2009


Life in the Meneely family seems to be full of milestones these days. This week Jackson turned 3 months old. He is a delightfully happy, healthy baby who surprises us every day with something new (and not just in his diaper!). He is long and lean but very strong. For those of you who have seen JD's fingers, you know that they are more like "nubs" from his years of nail biting. Of course, Jackson has found that these are his favorite chew toys which is proving more painful by the day as he gets older! Next weekend, JD turns the big 3-0! He is slowly getting used to the idea of not being in his 20s. Grandpa and Grandma are going to watch Jackson so that we can party our way into his next decade! Sadly, I went back to work last week. I am slowly getting reacquainted with my job and used to the idea of not spending all day with my little man. So far, so good. Jackson seems to be enjoying daycare and I am excited to have a paycheck again - diapers are expensive!
Here are a few pictures of Jackson playing...ENJOY!

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