Monday, March 23, 2009


Our family has celebrated its fair share of birthdays this month. My posts have been few and far between lately so I have some catching up to do.
Since the day we brought Jackson home, JD has complained about the Diaper Genie. He hates having to squish the diapers down in it and having to empty it every other day. So Jackson was really excited to give Daddy his gift for his 30th birthday...a hands-free diaper pail! JD was really excited (and proud of Jackson for thinking of such a special gift). Even cooler, is not what Jackson got Daddy for his birthday but what he did for Daddy - he rolled over from his belly to his back for the first time! The trick has yet to be repeated but we were very excited nonetheless!

Grandpa's birthday was Sunday, March 8th. He and Grandma came to Indy to watch Jackson while JD and I went out for the now infamous birthday celebration.

BJ and Ginger Lippert bought JD a cookie cake for his birthday that read "30 Lame, Cookie Cake Awesome." Of course, there is a story behind the message. Over the summer we attended a couples shower at the Lipperts house. I was about 5 months pregnant and, as was the case for most of my pregnancy, JD took full advantage of my status as designated driver. He and BJ decided that babies were lame, cookie case was awesome. Wow...he's really 30?

Mary Beth turned 22 on Saturday, March 21st. When we were little, Melanie and I made a sport of torturing Mary Beth (at one point we even had her convinced that she was adopted). Our first dog, the late Fluffy Marie, had her birthday on March 20th. Every year on her birthday, Mel and I would tease Mary Beth that we were going to get her a cake that read "Happy Birthday Dog and Fluffy." Yes, I realize that it sounds stupid now but we thought it was hilarious! Well, this year JD decided to follow-through on our joke. Happy Birthday Mary!

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