Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Trip to the Zoo

Last week, we visited the Indianapolis Zoo for the first time with Jackson's baby posse - Lincoln Furry and Cooper Olecki. Lincoln and Cooper are very mobile these days but Jackson's experience was a little more limited confined to his stroller. However, he took in the zoo in his typical fashion - silent and engrossed. The animals that blend into their surroundings were lost on him but anything that showed contrast - such as the nurse sharks, baboons and giraffes - entranced him. Above all, he was captivated by the dolphin show. He even clapped a few times! Daddy was upset that we did this "first" without him but I assured him that there will be many more zoo trips to come.


Angela said...

I really love the way Jackson's bib and pacifier match his outfit. I love a baby in a well-coordinated outfit.

Brooke said...

Ha ha...the excessive drooling warrants regular bib usage so I figure it might as well match!